Yu Ying students take part in a Specials Program that connects students with expert teachers in specialized areas. Specials classes are performing arts, garden arts, music, PE that enrich and deepen student learning.

Elementary Visual Arts
Handirubvi Wakatama

I enjoy the Yu Ying community and support the mission which aligns with my personal teaching philosophy and goals as an arts education professional. I have the freedom to support students with their curiosity of the world ,help foster a space to encourage critical thinking and problem solving through art-making.


Early Years atelierista

paula zimmerman

I am a founding teacher at Yu Ying. I have 2 kids who are Yu Ying alumnae. I grew up in Brooklyn, NY a completely urban environment but was lucky to have many opportunities to spend time in nature.  Garden Arts really is a mix of things that I am passionate about; gardening, nature, food, visual art, and sustainability.


ella zhang

I joined Yu Ying in 2019 as a kindergarten Chinese teaching fellow and, later, an interim kindergarten Chinese lead teacher. I was born in the central area of China and moved to the USA for the graduate program in 2016. In our Musical Arts class, students get to discover lots of different types of music, like different kinds of songs and instruments. We don't just talk about music; we do it together!


ella zhang

I joined Yu Ying in 2019 as a kindergarten Chinese teaching fellow and, later, an interim kindergarten Chinese lead teacher. I was born in the central area of China and moved to the USA for the graduate program in 2016. In our Musical Arts class, students get to discover lots of different types of music, like different kinds of songs and instruments. We don't just talk about music; we do it together!



I have been fortunate to be a part of the Yu Ying Community since the school opened its doors in 2009. I have been involved in theatre since I was 4 years old and am thrilled to have the opportunity to bring theatre into the classrooms of so many young children. In Performing Arts, students learn how to express themselves through dance, movement, drama, music, and more. From learning how to use our bodies to express feelings and ideas to exploring how to create performances, students gain a better understanding of how to communicate with an audience.

physical education
early years

sarah schiff-berger

I am the PE teacher for grades PreK3-Kindergarten. I am new to the Yu Ying community and very excited to get to move, play, and interact with the students. I have over seven years of experience teaching movement to young children. I am originally from Chicago and have been teaching in the DC area since fall 2021. My philosophy of movement education is that all children should have the opportunity to participate in games and play because it unlocks their potential, creativity, and imagination.

physical education
early years

sarah schiff-berger

I am the PE teacher for grades PreK3-Kindergarten. I am new to the Yu Ying community and very excited to get to move, play, and interact with the students. I have over seven years of experience teaching movement to young children. I am originally from Chicago and have been teaching in the DC area since fall 2021. My philosophy of movement education is that all children should have the opportunity to participate in games and play because it unlocks their potential, creativity, and imagination.



Nĭ Hăo (你好) Everyone. It's so nice to once again, be able to teach Physical Education in-person! This school year is shaping up to be amazing, and I'm looking forward to seeing new and returning "Gym-Class Superheroes."

physical education 1-5


This year I’ll have the pleasure of serving as one of the Physical Education Coaches. Over the past three years of working for the great community of YuYing, I have played various roles including serving as an Dedicated Aid, Office Associate, Kindergarten Teaching Fellow along with working as an Interim Pk3-K English Lead Teacher. In my spare time I enjoy biking, cooking, working out and spending quality time with family and friends.

physical education 1-5


This year I’ll have the pleasure of serving as one of the Physical Education Coaches. Over the past three years of working for the great community of YuYing, I have played various roles including serving as an Dedicated Aid, Office Associate, Kindergarten Teaching Fellow along with working as an Interim Pk3-K English Lead Teacher. In my spare time I enjoy biking, cooking, working out and spending quality time with family and friends.

Life at YY